1. Macedonian Call w/Mayor Donnie Tuck, City of Hampton: (monthly meetings focusing on supporting youth and schools)
  2. Hampton Ministers Police Academy w/Ernest Williams: (monthly meetings and activities focusing on feeding the homeless, youth scholarships, reducing violence in the community)
  3. Office of Youth and Young Adult Opportunities w/Lateisha Handie: Stop the Violence Youth programs


  1. Thrive Peninsula w/ Angela York: (monthly financial support given for families in need. Seecommunity resource guide)
  2. Community Clothes Closet w/Alice Newsome: Messiah Center (a bi-monthly ministry that provides physical items such as clothes, furniture, household items, to those in need. Gift cards for groceries are also distributed to families in need of assistance)


  1. Bassette Elementary School w/ Family Engagement Specialist: (monthly meetings during academic school year focusing on the needs of families, students and teachers. Financial support given for events and families in need of assistance. Mentoring youth)


  1. Outstanding Youth on the Move: Dale Nixon and
  2. Strengthen the Family program: Anton Green Community Service Board (semi-annual 10-week workshops held in the schools and in the church for adults and children. Dinner, tutoring, family engagement resources provided)


  1. ExCEL Gaming Center:


  1. Virginia Unity Project w/Pastor Kevin Swann: (collaboration of clergy, civic and community leaders focusing on social issues, youth & education, economic empowerment and community worship)
  2. Faith Walk Hampton w/ Rev. Charles Cheek: (monthly gathering of faith leaders to discuss and implement empowering actions within neighborhoods and the local government)